D.K.M College For Women


Vellore - 1

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade with a CGPA of 3.22 out of 4 in the 4th Cycle

Admission Help Line Numbers

Aided - 0416-2903691 / 7010308218
Unaided - 94433 41270 / 9489537911

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Physical Education is an integral part of our curriculum. All UG and PG students are trained in group events which are displayed on the sports day. Physical directresses are appointed in the aided and self-supporting streams to promote the sports activities of the college. Scholarships and fees reduction is also provided to zonal, state and national level players. Prizes and cash awards are given by the Management to students for outstanding performances in their respective events.